Carabiners and Connectors

ISC HMS Carabiner KH204

The KH204 is ISC's largest aluminum HMS Carabiner and suitable for a variety of rigging applications.

ISC Luke Oval Carabiner KH411

The KH411 Luke Oval, features a "true" oval, symmetrical design, which equally balances loads. Its lightweight aluminum body and rounded edges are rope and equipment friendly.

ISC Gecko Carabiner KH452

ISC Performance Karabiners are forged for best build quality. It is specially for the industrial height safety, rope access and arborist sectors.

ISC Mongoose Carabiner KH451

The KH451 Mongoose Aluminium Carabiner is suitable for Industrial Height Safety, Rope Access and Arborist purposes

ISC Captive Eye Carabiner KH300

The KH300 Aluminium Captive Eye Carabiner is suitable for Industrial Height Safety, Rope Access, Arborist, and Adventure Park purposes

ISC Gator Carabiner KH453

ISC Performance Karabiners are forged for best build quality.

ISC Twister Carabiner KH255

The KH255 aluminium Twister Carabiner is suitable for Industrial Height Safety, Rope Access, Arborist and Adventure Park purposes

ISC Link Carabiner KH225

The KH215 aluminium Link Carabiner can be used for Industrial Height Safety, Rope Access, Arborist and Adventure Park Purposes

ISC Mini HMS Carabiner KH214

The ISC Mini HMS Carabiner KH214 has the same size barrel and gate opening as its big brother KH-204

ISC KH221 Offset Oval Carabiner

ISC Performance Karabiners are forged for best build quality.

SAR Oval Steel Maillon

The SAR Oval Steel Maillon is made from Mild galvanised steel has a break load of 40kN and is 78 x 30mm with a gate opening of 16mm.

SAR Pear Steel Maillon

The SAR Pear Steel Maillon is made from mild galvanised steel has a break load of 36kN and is 118 x 65mm with a gate opening of 20.5mm.

SAR Triple Action Klet

The SAR Triple Action Klet features a triple action lock gate and provides a high weight to strength ratio. A very versatile alloy connector.

SAR Lite Klet

The SAR Lite Klet is ideal for kits where weight is a factor and technical rope work is required. Made from alloy it has a high tensile strength.

SAR Dee Steel Maillon

The SAR Dee Steel Maillon was initially used by the sport and caving sector as a front connection to their sit harnesses. Made from galvanised steel.

SAR Delta Steel Maillon

The SAR Delta Steel Maillon is available in two sizes 8mm and 10mm. It is mainly used in rescue and rope access, for three way loads.


Carabiners and connectors come in a huge variety of shapes, materials and sizes for the purpose you require. An auto-locking, directional connector with large gate openings. Our range of carabiners and connectors are able to connect with a wide range of lanyards.

Produced by Heightec and ISC they offer a safe and secure mechanism for working at heights or rescue/evacuation situations.

We also have specialist products for assisting in specific situations such as the Heightec Rescue Reach Pole with bracket to assist in those difficult to reach places.

View our range of Rope Devices, Lanyards, Anchor Slings and Harnesses  to create an effective rescue and evacuation kit.